So I do booking (of bands... mostly indie type stuff) at a cool little space in a kinda ghetto part of LA called Fais Do Do. Every Wednesday, me & my pal Jenny get some cool acts in there to represent for Little Radio - an online radio station which can sometimes even be found on the actual radio! As soon as we seem to be settled into a groove, I'll tell you. That bit of things has nothing to do with me.
Anyway, we've got this coming up in the next couple of weeks:
Wednesday, May 12th: the jangly noise of the Silversun Pickups at 10:30 followed by the Alaska! brand of harmony & dischord at 11:15.
Wednesday, May 19th: Electromagnetic starts the night with guitars, organs, and harmonies around 10:30, followed by the dreamy soundscapes of Helen Stellar at 11:30.
Sound like a press release? Well, that's cuz it was.
Anyway, I am totally spacing out on who to contact. I've been sending out emails and making calls for weeks, so it is now your duty to give me some inspiration. Who should I try to track down? Who have I forgotten? Can your band fill a 150 capacity space and be rockin' to boot? Get in touch; my brain is fried.