Thursday, September 30, 2004

Goin' Up To Country

I have a wacky yet endearing friendship with a certain movie exec type most people lovingly refer to as The Dude... You get a guy drunk in a bar once (and I didn't get him a single White Russian) and play some good music, and he's your pal for life. Well, he's doing what he does best: getting his friends to push his films for him! But this one means a lot to me, because it's all about re-defeating Bush. So spread the word. I know this movie is opening this weekend in LA, and a big showing will help it get to more screens when it's released nationwide.

You should know when GOING UP RIVER : THE LONG WAR OF JOHN KERRY was tested with people who were neither Kerry or Bush supporters-- 79% of them said that they were profoundly moved, they changed their minds about Kerry's character and ability to lead and they would definitely recommend it to a friend. This movie exposes the lies of the SWIFT BOAT VETERANS FOR TRUTH character assassination and much more.

It opens this Friday October 1 in theaters nationwide

For theaters across the country, reviews and more check out the website.
If it opens well it will go wide to many more theaters.
We also plan to give away free DVD's to people who may not go to a theater. Neighbor to neighbor in Akron, Ohio, Orlando, Florida, etc. Hundreds of thousands. Maybe more!
This all depends on what happens this weekend. You can vote now at the theaters this weekend.
This will make a difference! You can make a difference!
the Dude abides!
