Monday, September 06, 2004

Another One Bites the Dust

So it seems that the people of Nissan (some friends experienced horrible bigotry lately at the hands of a Nissan dealership) have a little common sense after all:


Dear Friends:

I have just been informed by Patrick Finley, the co-owner/general manager of Douglas Nissan Huntington Beach, that David Maxwell has been fired. Mr. Maxwell is the salesman who began and incited the homophobic remarks at the dealership on Sunday.

I take no joy at another human being losing his job but, in this case, I did not do it. Mr. Maxwell sealed his fate when he put his hatred on display and defied us to do something about it. With your amazing support, and that of untold others, we did just that. Mr. Finley is amenable to outside sensitivity counselors going into the dealership. The details need to be worked out, and I am hoping to find a volunteer attorney to actually dot the i's, cross the t's, and to monitor/oversee the carrying out of the still-as-yet written settlement terms.

I was interviewed by Laurie Kelman from KFWB Radio at my home today. Her calls to the dealership also had a strong motivational effects on the dealership. More as this develops. We cannot thank you enough.

Dave Russo
Greg Kamerer

Karma. It can be a bitch.