I can't tell you what the best releases of the last year were - I'm not qualified to do that. I really don't think anybody is. People are too darned eclectic! If you want to know the top selling albums of last year, look up Billboard charts. I think we can probably agree that "top seller" doesn't necessarily mean "best."
Think about the albums you're going to pull off the shelf years from now and still enjoy. I didn't have as many of those during 2007, but there were a few. So here are my favorite records from the last year.
One time, a friend of mine said that all music reviews could basically be summarized as thus: "Like the bastard lovechild of (so & so) and (so & so) in (name of place) on (altering substance)." So let's do it.
10. The Good, The Bad & The Queen - s/t
"Like the bastard lovechild of Blur and King Tubby in London on downers."
9. Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings - 100 Days, 100 Nights
"Like the bastard lovechild of a young Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin at the Apollo high on the Holy Spirit."
8. Beirut - The Flying Cup Club
"Like the bastard lovechild of Stephin Merrit and Jacques Brel in Paris on cigarettes and coffee."
7. Intramural - This Is A Landslide
"Like the bastard lovechild of the Postal Service and a helluva lot of good singers in outer space on ecstasy."
6. Grinderman - s/t
"Like the bastard lovechild of Jesus Lizard and Johnny Otis in the middle of desert on PCP."
5. Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
"Like the bastard lovechild of Billie Holiday and Mary J. Blige in London on whatever she can get her hands on."
4. Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
"Like the bastard lovechild of America and Fleetwood Mac in the Caribbean on mary-jane."
3. M.I.A. - Kala
"Like the bastard lovechild of Missy Elliott and Sister Carol in a bangin' 3rd world club on coke."
2. Blanche - Little Amber Bottles
"Like the bastard lovechild of Lee & Nancy and John & Exene in a swamp on moonshine and Jesus."
1. Great Northern - Trading Twilight For Daylight
"Like the bastard lovechild of Frou Frou and Grandaddy in Heaven on absinthe."
And there you go! I'll play all of it when I get back on the air at Little Radio, Monday January 7th from 6-8pm PST. Okay? :)