Thursday, October 06, 2005

Meow Meow PORN Meow Meow

Man, I posted more often when I was on vacation... Damn dayjobs! And is it me, or does Rocktober truly ROCK? I'm hitting a series of great shows this month which are keeping me up to late when I have to get up too early.

Here's something silly to read that Scott sent me:


Dear cat,

The girlfriend is away for three weeks, and though I am a person of strong
will, three weeks is simply too long to bear without working one out. I
don’t expect you to understand this need as you no longer have your ovaries,
but trust me when I say, I NEED to.

If you ever took the CAT SATs, you might have seen this example analogy:

Getting off : me :: licking your ass : you.

Having established that, I request of you: Please do not disturb the fucking
blinds when I'm watching porn!

You’re a cat, not a dog, so don’t give me that puppy-eyed look. You know
what you’re doing. As soon as I settle back in my chair with some hot chick
doing all the things that my girlfriend won’t, full-screen, you awaken from
a dead sleep and run through the floor-to-ceiling blinds. I often shriek and
my hard phallus, brilliantly backlit by the glow of the monitor, falls limp
like a rhubarb stalk at the bottom of a Safeway bin. This wouldn’t be so bad
if I didn’t have an entire row of apartments whose living room windows
directly face me. For the love of my erection and reputation, or my love of
my erection and reputation, keep on sleeping when I’m a’ jerkin.

I should have gotten a ferret.

Hugs and purrs,

Your owner.

P.S. And don’t stare at my balls. You give the same look to a string before
you’re about to pounce on it. That frightens me.