Friday, September 03, 2004

Do You Believe In Magic?

My alarm is set to a radio station, Indie 103, which I indulged in ranting about a few months back when it started. I don't hate it, I don't love it... It does it's best as a commercial "alternative" station. If I wasn't bred on college radio, I'm sure it would be my favorite station in LA.

Especially because this morning, when my alarm went off, they were playing "Hey Deannie" by Shaun Cassidy. Ummm... what? I haven't heard that song on the radio in... well, maybe never. Although it's by far my favorite Shaun Cassidy song.

Whoever played that (because Indie 103 doesn't really have DJs - only for specialty shows), thank you. I was so able to face my lame boss today because of you.