Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Just Drive, She Said

LA is all about the automobile. They trashed the public transportation from back in the day for freeways, elevated the status of the car to godlike proportions, and rebel better than anyone else when the gas prices get too horrifying. And there is a sea of beautiful car washes scattered throughout the land - lovely blocks of colorful Miami-esque architecture where you can make your car all shiny and nice again.

There are also some whoppers in the vanity plate arena.

When I was visiting some cousins in Philly a zillion years ago, they told me that Pennsylvania had a law banning bumper stickers and vanity plates because people kept crashing into each other trying to read them. That's never been the case in Cali!

Lately, I've seen a couple that have stuck with me. A big haired platinum blonde older lady, in a Mercedes convertible, license plate reading : "TOY4ME." Okay, not too surprising.

In Beverly Hills: A thirtysomething guy in a snazzy suit, leaning against his silver convertible Audi TT, talking on his phone, tie blowing in the breeze... His plates? "BUYUOUT."

In West Hollywood: a super hot buffed out dark haired ethnic guy in a Hummer, rainbow stickers on the bumper and a plate that read "HUM ME." I wonder what he meant?

And my favorite, spotted in the Hollywood Hills... a vintage Porsche Roadster driven by a balding middle aged guy, remaining gray hairs flying in the wind, much younger woman with lacquered nails tapping his shoulder to the beat of Zero 7... Plate? "ZENSUAL." Wow.